Our genre in our writing was scientific history and contemporary writing. Our intended audience were people who had no former knowledge about the topic discussed in the informative review. We focused on topics that are real and happened. In context, the demand would be attention to ethics when scientists are exploiting people for research. People are practicing very controversial studies and experiments without the consent of the people and it raises several concerns about legality. For stance, this informative review required us to remain neutral, with the purpose being only to inform. My design was one that allowed any person who did not know about genetic manipulation except from what they learned from the media to understand fully. I used an image and several descriptions for someone who isn’t an expert can understand without having the biased views that social media gives an individual. An informative review is a type of writing where the writer remains neutral while informing the reader on a specific topic. The purpose of an informative review is to simply inform the reader about a topic without being biased about the topic. The potential audience may affect science writing because it will affect how you convey information and how your audience will perceive your information. Certain audiences will prefer more scientific language that matches their understanding of a complex topic. In contrast, other readers with no knowledge in a certain topic will be more inclined to read a paper that is easy to understand while excluding any difficult to understand topics. My strategies in communicating with a non-expert audience is including several definitions and stories regarding the topic that make it easy for anyone who had no prior knowledge on the topic in discussion to now understand the context of the topic. My strategies for drawing in the attention of the audience in the opening paragraph was using a definition of cloning and genetic manipulation. Anyone who had no prior knowledge about genetic manipulation and cloning may now understand the writing without having to question what certain terms mean. The exigence of my paper’s topic and key issues include the ethics of genetic manipulation and exploiting people who sacrificed for scientific study. I chose the visual image because it brings interest to the topic of cloning and gives the reader room to make an inference about what the reading may be about. I used narratives and story telling that make the sources easy to understand for anyone. This assignment has helped me to write a paper that requires me to not take a position, but only inform. It is a type of writing I have never attempted before and now I have an introduction to writing without taking a position. Additionally, I informed myself of a topic I had no prior knowledge about and it helped me as an individual become educated in another area of controversy. The sources I used were videos on YouTube that provided the context i needed to create my informative review. I chose my scholarly source by using an article that was made by a credible scholar providing information on a topic that they were knowledgeable about. The writers I cited were able to bring attention to both sides of a single argument to maximize on understanding. To decipher in class sources, I tried to find commonalities between the different sources, and additionally find out which parts of my sources were part of thr writer’s argument, and which were not a part of the writer’s counter argument. I used these perceptions to formulate my own view of a certain topic and inform my audience. “This modern success has been a process of trial and error however, and would not be as successful without its failures.